This session highlights the important role of 3 different community led EO networks in supporting the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) with their geospatial needs.
Session Moderator
Panel Speaker
Session moderator
The negative impact of climate change has been painfully evident, e.g. in the catastrophe in Pakistan. Climate change continues to generate and further aggravate the cascading multi-hazards of water-related extreme events such as flood and drought in Asia-Oceania (AO) region. The need for providing context-specific innovations for resolving water problems was one of the key points agreed by 30 heads of state from the region and representatives of international organizations, during the 4th Asia-Pacific Water Summit (4APWS) held in April this year. AOGEO has a critical role to play to respond to the societal and political needs, as it has been providing Earth observations-based information and solutions for tackling the water related disasters. This session aims to identify the gaps and opportunities for collaboration in enhancing resilience for water-related disaster risks in the region by building on and scaling-up successes made by relevant activities in AOGEO/GEO. The session is designed to promote a dialogue between “providers” and “users” of EO data and solutions to identify concrete next steps for actions in enhancing regional resilience for water risks toward post-2025 and beyond.
EO users
EO providers